variable variables

pyth at pyth at
Mon Dec 11 05:34:59 EST 2000

> I guess you want to be able to have multiple references to the same
> variable, and that you want to be able to change the value of that
> variable in such a way that all references refer to the same new value.

> /Mikael

Sorry Mikael, for using your time... I should have been more specific...
What i was thinking of, was something like this:

test1 = 'test text 1';
test2 = 'test text 2';

var1 = 1
var2 = 2

print test{var1};

This should print: 'test text 1'
This example doesn't work, but is close how you would do it in php :o)

Thanx for tryin' Mikael :o)

/Dan Larsen

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