Q: looping with two counter variables through a list

Harald Kirsch kirschh at lionbioscience.com
Wed Dec 13 02:44:08 EST 2000

In Tcl I can write

  set mylist {0 1 2 3 4 5}
  foreach {a b} $mylist {
    puts $a

to print the even numbers of $mylist. Obviously

   mylist = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
   for a,b in mylist:
     print a

does not work (ValueError: unpack sequence of wrong size). 

What is Python's idiom for running with more than one variable through
a flat list?

  Harald Kirsch

Harald Kirsch   | kirschh at lionbioscience.com | "How old is the epsilon?"
LION Bioscience | +49 6221 4038 172          |        -- Paul Erdös
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