Using the fonts of different encodings in wxPython

Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin at
Wed Dec 20 12:52:09 EST 2000

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 20:44:10 +0900, June Kim <junaftnoon at> wrote:
>This problem is of wxPython 2.2.2 and Python 2.0 on Win98.
>I'm using 8 bit character set (CJK) on windows. When I call the
>wxFontEnumerator, what I get is just a partial list of the fonts on my
>system -- only English fonts. Moreover, the wxPython doesn't seem to have
>wxFONTENCODING_xxxx that fits my system's character set. What can I do to
>use the fonts of different charater sets?

 Unfortunately, the support for Far East encodings is incomplete in wxWindows,
mainly because the people who implemented encoding support didn't know much
about them. It shouldn't be too complicated to make wxWindows support them but
we need someone who can either do it with our help or help us to do it (first
variant is preferred :-)

 If you're interested, please join wxwindows-devel mailing list.


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