win32evtlogutil: How does it works ?

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Wed Dec 6 07:16:33 EST 2000

Dag Sunde wrote:

> The dll-part of the EventLog _is_ a little bit strange... :-)
> You see... The number you give when logging an event is supposed
> to reference an id of a string-recource in the dll you registered
> So you have to create a resource-file with all the strings(messages)
> you need, include it into a dll, and then reference those strings
> by their id from the outside. This is done for nationalization-
> purposes, I think...

Yes - but win32evtlog.pyd _should_ be such a DLL.  It should magically 
register itself as a valid source of such messages.

All of the messages it comtains are generic - eg, often simply of the 
form "%1" - meaning that they are pretty pointless from an 
internationalization point-of-view - but they _should_ still work (and 
have been known to) for the simple use they were intended.


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