Interesting behaviour of the assignment

Michael Esveldt dante at
Fri Dec 29 17:54:25 EST 2000

[Thomas Wouters]
> In other words, 'x == y' first does 'x is y', and if it's true, the 
> result
> of the operation is true. Only if 'x is y' is false will it start the
> (possibly very expensive) comparison-by-contents operation.

This is a somewhat ignorant question, but if 'x == y' checks for 'x is 
y' first, why use 'is' at all? If you only get a tiny bit of speed out 
of using 'is' is it worth it to have this in the language at all? (Not 
that it would ever change, just curious.)

Michael Esveldt
dante at - Michael Esveldt - #FightThePower on Openprojects

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