A Newbie Question: How To Call Other Python Programs From A Main Python Program.

Sergio Boix Moriano smoriano at sicon.net
Mon Dec 11 12:10:01 EST 2000

             A Newbie Question: How To Call Other Python Programs From A Main Python Program.
             Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:01:52 GMT
             jbranthoover at my-deja.com
             Deja.com - Before you buy.
             python-list at python.org

Hello All,
        I have written several small Python programs.  These programs
are not just functions but complete programs with their own menuing

        My question is,  how do I (and is it a good idea) call these
independent Python programs from one main program that selects which
program to run from a main menu?  I tried to use the import command.
This seems to work OK except that the programs only run once.  If the
same program is selected from the menu,  nothing happens.  It seems to
return immediately without running the program.

        Any information that you can give me will be greatly
appreciated.  Thank you for your time.

      If you´re working under windowsx, nt and  sample code will be

            import win32con, win32api
            guion='executable arguments'
            #    The executable will be either the program or the python executable
            #  with  the .py file as an argument. Tis is:
            # guion='mypy.exe args'
            # or guion='python.exe mypy.py args'

           cad1 = win32api.WinExec(guion, show)

        You can use this way

                    import os

        With this code you have a multiplattform code (it works in winblows, linux, mac, etc)


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