unpacking Python tuple in C

Mike Müller mmueller at dgfz.de
Wed Dec 13 08:30:12 EST 2000

>> PyObject* floatFromPy0 = PyTuple_GetItem(result, 0);
>>   *double1= PyFloat_AsDouble(floatFromPy0)
>> since the tuple is pretty long and I need all of the tuple items
>> PyTuple_GetItem seems to not the best solution.
>Why not?  Why not use a loop and stuff the values into an array of

Thanks for the tip. This works. As you can tell I don't have much experience
with C,
so simple things can cause big trouble.

>Supplying the right number of d's to PyArg_ParseTuple, maybe?

Tried "ddd...d" with an without ( ). No success.
But the loop with the array works (see above) and this just what I want.

>Stepping back from your immediate problem, what are you actually
>trying to do?  I can infer it from what you've said here, I'm afraid.

I am writing my program in Python (it's a water quality model). There is a
"main" model written by somebody else in FORTRAN which calls  submodels as
DLLs. My Python model is one of these submodels. Now I try to speeze
everything into a DLL. So C is the "glue" and just has to pass some args
back and force from the main to the submodel. I do NOT program any
functionallity in C (just the argument passing via the DLL). Besides this it
seems I need to improve my knowledge of C.

Thanks for your help.


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