Smalltalk and Python

Johann Hibschman johann at
Wed Dec 13 14:58:18 EST 2000

Aaron Jon Reichow writes:

> According to some benchmarks I've seen, Squeak is faster. ;P
> (although it doesn't feel like it sometimes, with Morphic)

Has the speed of Squeak improved in the past six months or so?  I
downloaded it last spring, just to play with a SmallTalk, and found it
slow, ugly, and rather clunky.  Not to mention willing to eat all the
memory on my machine.

Perhaps I wasn't doing it right, but I was not impressed.  I'm not
sure what I can do with smalltalk that I can't do with a good Common
Lisp environment, but I've just never quite "got" smalltalk.

Anyway, should I download the current Squeak and try again?

Johann Hibschman                           johann at

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