good newbie books?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at
Mon Dec 4 09:54:47 EST 2000

Don Tuttle wrote:
> > I just started Python and it is my first programming language.
> > Instead of constantly posting to this group for help I'm going to buy a
> > book.
> > Can anyone recommend a Python book that covers everything in a
> > newbieized way?

First can I strongly recommend joining the python-tutor mailing
- sign up via web site. It is specifically designed 
for beginners and you'll get a lot more questions etc at your 
level than on c.l.python.

> Hi Georges.  Unfortunately there are not any absolute beginners book, good
> or bad, in Python.  It's a hole that, IMO, desperately needs to be filled.

My new book:

"Learn to program Using Python"

is aimed at complete beginners and should be available next week
(according to Amazon! They don't tell me these things I'm only 
the author....:-)

Ivan Lanningham's "Teach Yourself Python in 24 hours" is also 
aimed at beginners but takes a slightly faster pace than mine.
It covers things like GUI programming more thoroughly but 
has less explanation of concepts.

You pays your money and you takes your choice!

Alan G.

This post represents the views of the author 
and does not necessarily accurately represent 
the views of BT.

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