Bug: Readline getting stuck on Linux and Solaris

Michael Hudson mwh21 at cam.ac.uk
Sun Dec 10 06:45:17 EST 2000

Michael Hudson <mwh21 at cam.ac.uk> writes:

> do the IRIX manpages say anything scary about signal/sigaction
> interaction?


  The POSIX signal routines (sigaction(2), sigpending(2),
  sigprocmask(2), sigsuspend(2), sigsetjmp(3)), and the 4.3BSD signal
  routines (sigvec(3B), signal(3B), sigblock(3B), sigpause(3B),
  sigsetmask(3B)) must NEVER be used with signal(2) or sigset(2).

That'd be "yes", then.

But I've just d/l-ed readline and it's signal handler is (predictably)
straight out of Preprocessor Hell, so I can't tell what's going on at
all :-(.


  ... but I guess there are some things that are so gross you just have
  to forget,  or it'll destroy something within you.  perl is the first
  such thing I have known.              -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

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