mxODBC + MSSQL = code -9 error (again)

Matt mksql at
Wed Dec 6 15:33:35 EST 2000

I am just starting to use the mxODBC package, and have come across an
issue that has been posted in the newsgroups before, but I have not yet
found a solution.

I am using ActiveState Python 2.0 "ActivePython 2.0, build 202
(ActiveState Tool Corp.) based on Python 2.0 (#8, Oct 19 2000,
11:30:05) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32", on a Windows 2000
Professional PC, and attempting to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server
7.0 database, using a simple test script adapted from your
documentation. Thes test script, included below, works fine when
connecting to an Access database, so I am assuming my installation is

But, when I connect to a SQL Server database, and have a result set
that includes a Unicode character data  (SQLDMO_DTypeUVarchar -9
Variable length) type, I get the "InterfaceError: SQL type (code -9)
not implemented" error. This is avoidable since my tables to not use
Unicode fields, but apparently some of the SQL Server system tables do.

The script below, when run against a MS Access DSN, properly returns a
list of tables. But it appears the same call against the MS SQL DSN
returns Unicode data in the result set (in c.tables).


import ODBC
db = ODBC.Windows.Connect('SQLTest','sa')
c = db.cursor()
c.execute('select count(*) from testdata')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\python20\pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line
301, in RunScript
    exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File "D:\Python20\Lib\ODBC\Misc\", line 7, in ?
  File "d:\python20\lib\ODBC\", line 75, in print_resultset
    lines = apply(format_resultset,(cursor,headers),kws)
  File "d:\python20\lib\ODBC\", line 33, in format_resultset
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
InterfaceError: SQL type (code -9) not implemented

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