Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm

Alexander Schliep schliep at Octopussy.MI.Uni-Koeln.DE
Sun Dec 10 08:59:41 EST 2000

Roy Katz <katz at Glue.umd.edu> writes:

> I was wondering if Python (or Numerical Python) has anything like this
> (a Graph module??).  If there isn't, perhaps I should post my class at

<shameless plug> 
There is a Graph class among a lot of other things in Gato (graph
animation toolbox), see <http://www.zpr.uni-koeln.de/~gato>.

Gato allows you to implement algorithms and have their action
visualized. BFS/DFS algorithms are bundled. You can easily code 
your own algorithms complete with visualization.

Next year there will be a Springer textbook bundled with Gato,
although Gato itself is released freely under the LGPL.  
</shameless plug>


PS: I am the principal author of Gato

Alexander Schliep                    schliep at zpr.uni-koeln.de
ZPR/ZAIK                             Tel: +49-221-470-6040 (w) 
University of Cologne                FAX: +49-221-470-5160
Weyertal 80                          http://www.zpr.uni-koeln.de/~schliep
50931 Cologne, Germany               

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