Spinning off time intensive procedures to speed CGI

leejor at my-deja.com leejor at my-deja.com
Tue Dec 12 18:19:26 EST 2000

I have a variety of time consuming proceedures that slow
the response time of my CGI scripts. These are
proceedures that do not send any information back to the
web browser. I want to spin off these proceedures to
allow the original program to imediately continue.
Examples of these proceedures include: saving to Log
files, sending emails, or caching database queries.

How do I accomplish this? I have played with fork() and
os.system(), but have not achieved the results I need. In
my searches of the documentation and online forums, I
have only found methods that _wait_ for the spun off
proceedures to return a result.

I don't want to wait.


Lee A. Joramo                      ljoramo at nickads.com
The Nickel Want Ads                www.nickads.com
Internet Manager                   970-242-5555

Sent via Deja.com

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