Python Trademark Status

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sun Aug 27 03:44:39 EDT 2000

>> So, as it still appears, CNRI wants some legal exclusivity
>> to the right to use the name "Python", but not for their own
>> use.  Hmm; it's hard not to leap to an unflattering conclusion.

[Andrew Kuchling]
> I've leapt to probably the exact same unflattering conclusion, that
> this was done for future user as a bargaining tactic.

Ah, "bargaining tactic" -- *that's* the phrase I was looking for.  Pat
McCann first  called it "legal extortion tool" in his/her comments on CNRI
License FAQ question #24, but I was sure *that* couldn't be right <wink>.

>> BTW, do you guys get any work done over there, or do you spend all
>> your time dreaming up ways to stop other people from doing theirs <wink>?

> This is all the fault of the Pointy-Haired Bosses at CNRI.  The PHBs
> spend as much time obstructing the progress of internal groups as
> external ones, so we don't get to feel left out of all the fun.  (In
> all fairness, I think the problems don't stem from malice or dark
> conspiracies on the part of CNRI, just a severe undersupply of clues.)

I have often believed that your PHBs actually do believe they're acting in
"the public interest", no matter how counterproductive it-- at
times --seems.  And, indeed, Python has not been trampled by a stampede of
pink elephants yet, due no doubt to their tireless efforts.  Maybe you could
gently suggest "Job well done!  Now, please, you've earned it, take some
time for *yourself*!" <0.9 wink>.

"the-public"-may-actually-survive-even-without-all-this-help-ly y'rs  - tim

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