Need help with COMObject for Zope

deepak_marda at deepak_marda at
Wed Apr 26 16:27:26 EDT 2000

I am trying to use the COMObject for Zope. I have
the latest versions of Python and Zope and from
what I see working, COMObject is installed in the
right place.

I created a COMObject with id = word and Dispatch
= "Word.Application". WHen I try to connect this
COM object, it raises the following exception
Error Type: com_error
Error Value: (-2147221008, 'CoInitialize has not
been called.', None, None)

Can you please help me how I can make it work?
I have Word (from Office 2000) installed and the
following works from a vanilla python code: -

>>>import win32com.client
>>>o = win32com.client.Dispatch
>>>o.Visible = 1
>>> ... and so on

Please help,

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