Python/Perl Popularity (Re: A Mountain of Perl...)

tom__98 at tom__98 at
Tue Apr 11 23:09:26 EDT 2000

In article <200004102111.HAA03380 at>,
  Richard.Jones at wrote:
> Tom you little troll-meister. Half those arguments
> you cite are bollocks if you _really_ knew and
> "greatly prefer" Python. Try again.

Maybe you can contribute more constructively:

 -- How can I browse the Python documentation without firing
    up a web browser?  How do I get information on a single Python
    function or class quickly?  Is there any equivalent of
    "perldoc -f split" or "perldoc Net::POP3"?  What do you
    do in that situation?

 -- Is there a Python equivalent of CPAN and the Perl CPAN
    module?  The closest I know of is Parnassus.  But Parnassus
    is merely a collection of links, not an archive, and it
    doesn't have any facilities (AFAIK) for automatic installation.

 -- Several extensions I have wanted to install have required access
    to the full Python source tree, not just the header files and
    the library.  Is that going to change?  Otherwise, how can
    I install Python extensions that want access to the source
    tree on, say, a standard RedHat system?  Having the standard
    RPM-based installation in parallel with a /usr/local installation
    from source is confusing, and removing the RPM-based installation
    risks breaking things.


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