Python 1.6 alpha 1 released

Tres Seaver tseaver at
Tue Apr 4 19:10:38 EDT 2000

In article <8cdig3$s7f$1 at>,
Aahz Maruch <aahz at> wrote:
>In article <8cdg92$j0m$1 at>,
>Russell E. Owen <owen at> wrote:
>>But tuples seem a less than wonderful choice to me. Protocol flexibility 
>>presumably requires each protocol to have its own tuple with its own 
>>numer of fields in its own order. That's a lot to remember and try not 
>>to get mixed up.
>I second this.  I'd be happy with either dict or class, with a *slight*
>preference for a class.

I'd be quite happy with a set of address classes -- they could *add value*
in lots of ways that the tuple can't.  For instance, consider IPv6 dual-
mode issues -- an IPAddress object could know how to render itself
appropriately in either mode.  

Hmm, new proposal (for the Py3K timeframe):

Make class socket.socket into an abstract interface, and socket.socket()
into a factory which produces an appropriate derived instance, based on
family, type, and proto.  The derived type would then automatically know
how to interpret the *args to connect(), bind(), etc., and Do the Right
Thing [TM].

Such a scheme would make adding new families/types/protocols a matter of
plugging callables into the lookup table used by socket.socket(), and could
be therefore done in entirely separate modules (SOCK_RAW, anyone? or


Tres Seaver        tseaver at
Digital Creations

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