Beginning to be disapointed

Johann Hibschman johann at
Thu Apr 6 16:17:24 EDT 2000

[Yes, I know.  I'm fouling up the reference chain.  But there's weirdness
afoot, and I can't do any better.]

Hugues Demers writes:

>> 2. how are you reading them in?

> I use a module written by M. Miller called TableIO to read my data because
> it's fast. It read text file into Numeric array


This might be it.  IIRC, some of the innards of the reference counting
changed at some point in the NumPy distribution.  If you're using a
different version of NumPy than TableIO was designed for, there might
be a memory allocation problem.

Double-check that, since (to me) the errors you get sound like what
happens to me when I try to free something that I shouldn't.  It runs
for a bit, after the mistake, then dies mysteriously.

I bet that's it.  I bet TableIO fails to set a bit like OWN_DATA or
some such on the inputted arrays, and then something bad happens.
I don't know for sure, though.

As an experiment, try using Konrad Hinsen's ArrayIO module to read the
arrays instead.  That's pure python, so it will be a bit slow, but it
might help you track down the problem. (It's what I use, and I don't
find it to be too terribly slow.)

Good luck,


Johann Hibschman                           johann at

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