Lazy imports (was Re: module naming)

Peter Funk pf at
Tue Apr 18 07:59:29 EDT 2000


> On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, David Arnold wrote:
> > what about something like
> > 
> >    from Record import Record
> >    from Field import Field
> >    from IdxDict import IdxDict
> > 
> > in your zdc/ ?

Michal Wallace (sabren) asks:
>   That's certainly a lot cleaner! But is there a way to do that and
> not have it load each one of those files every time? There's actually
> more than 3, and even though they're all fairly small, I'd rather not
> have the overhead of loading them until they're needed.

You could try to adopt the lazy loader concept implemented in 
the Pmw package.  The idea is to use a small tool, that builds a 
dictionary of exported features (classes and more) by investigating
all module files in the package and places this in a file called
for example 'exports.def'.  Than you can use the following file to load features (classes, constants, functions,
or modules, what you want) on demand.  The idea is "stolen" from
Greg McFarlanes wonderful Pmw package:

Regards, Peter
---- 8< ---- 8< ---- cut here ---- 8< ---- schnipp ---- 8< ---- schnapp ----
#!/usr/bin/env python
## vim:ts=4:et:nowrap
"""__init__ : This file is executed when the package is imported.  It creates
a lazy importer/dynamic loader for the package and replaces the package 
module with it.  This is a very simplified version of the loader supplied 
with Pmw.  All the package version management has been stripped off."""

import sys, os, string, types

_EXP_DEF = 'exports.def'       # export definition file
_BASEMODULE = 'base'           # Name of Base module for the package

class _Loader:
    """An instance of this class will replace the module in sys.modules"""

    def __init__(self, path, package):
        self._path, self._package = path, package
        self._initialised = 0
    def _getmodule(self, modpath):
        mod = sys.modules[modpath]
        return mod

    def _initialise(self):
        # Create attributes for the Base classes and functions.
        basemodule = self._getmodule('_'+self._package+'.'+_BASEMODULE)
        for k,v in basemodule.__dict__.items():
            if k[0] is not '_' and type(v) != types.ModuleType:
                self.__dict__[k] = v
        # Set the package definitions from the exports.def file.
        dict = {
            '_features'     : {},
            '_modules'      : {},
        for name in dict.keys():
            self.__dict__[name] = {}
            d = {}
            execfile(os.path.join(self._path, _EXP_DEF), d)
            for k,v in d.items():
                if dict.has_key(k):
                    if type(v) == types.TupleType:
                        for item in v:
                            ## modpath = self._package + item
                            modpath = item
                            dict[k][item] = modpath
                    elif type(v) == types.DictionaryType:
                        for k1, v1 in v.items():
                            ## modpath = '_'+self._package +'.'+ v1
                            modpath = v1
                            dict[k][k1] = modpath
        self._initialised = 1

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """This will solve references to not yet used features"""
        if not self._initialised:
            # Beware: _initialise may have defined 'name'
            if self.__dict__.has_key(name):
                return self.__dict__[name]
        # The requested feature is not yet set. Look it up in the
        # tables set by exports.def, import the appropriate module and
        # set the attribute so that it will be found next time.
        if self._features.has_key(name):
            # The attribute is a feature from one of the modules.
            modname = self._features[name]
            mod  = self._getmodule('_'+self._package+'.'+modname)
            feature = getattr(mod, name)
            self.__dict__[name] = feature
            return feature
        elif self._modules.has_key(name):
            # The attribute is a module
            mod = self._getmodule('_'+self._package+'.'+name)
            self.__dict__[name] = mod
            return mod
            # The attribute is not known by the package, report an error.
            raise AttributeError, name

# Retrieve the name of the package:
_package = os.path.split(__path__[0])[1]
# Rename (hide) the original package for later perusual:
sys.modules['_'+_package] = sys.modules[_package]
# Create the dynamic loader and install it into sys.modules:
sys.modules[_package] = _Loader(__path__[0], _package)

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