Need an enum type extension

sue smalleys at
Fri Apr 14 00:05:27 EDT 2000

Will, that idiom does generate integers.

Frederic, I need some of the tuple/list functionality as
well.  I'm not sure what your code does.  I haven't done
lambdas except for number crunching.

In Ada, I can do things like:

type MyEnum is ( A, B, C );
for MyEnum use ( A : 3; B : 7; C : 13 );

Ada uses "'string" to refer to attributes.

MyEnum'len == 3.	(number of items in list)
A'next == B		(next item in list)
A'value == 3		(its low-level representation)
B'index = 1		(its position in the list)

But A == 3 fails.  only A == A passes.  A'value == 3 is

Strings don't work directly because I need _some_ of the
list/tuple functionality.

I started with the mess below, but it can't put the EnumLits
in the current scope.  And I could see it getting ugly real

class EnumLit:
	count = 0
	def __init__( self, name ): = name
		self.value = self.count
		self.repr = self.count
		self.count = self.count + 1
		self.lock = 0
	def set_repr( self, repr ):
		if not self.lock: self.repr = repr
	def finalize( self ):
		self.lock = 1
		self.count = 0
	def index( self ): return self.index	# etc

class Enum:
	def __init__( self, *args ):
		self.lock = 0
		self.names = args = map( EnumLit, args )
		# or dict, or DictList?
	def set_repr( self, **args ):
		for (name, val) in args:
			if name in self.args:
				i = self.names.index(name)
				e =[i]
				e.set_repr( val )
	def finalize( self ):
		self.lock = 1

and maybe some get/setattr stuff to finalize on any other
kind of access?


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