PyApache memory leak?

Patrick Phalen python-list at
Fri Apr 21 10:46:02 EDT 2000

[Oleg Broytmann, on Fri, 21 Apr 2000]
:: I don't see how httpdapy could help spawn less interpreters instances -
:: it is Apache job to fork and reap off children.

A clarification, from the Httpdapy README:

2. PyApache creates a sub-interpreter (Py_NewInterpreter()) for every
request and destroys it when done. This means that if your script
begins with "import HTMLgen", HTMLgen is imported (bytecode read from
file) for every hit.

Httpdapy keeps the interpreter around from the first hit and until the
process dies. So only the first hit will actually read,
all the subsequent won't.

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