Python 1.6 alpha 1 released

Johannes Stezenbach yawyi at
Tue Apr 4 12:37:34 EDT 2000

Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>I don't want to break that much code, so I'll revert the decision in
>next alpha release.
>However, I'll do so for purely backwards compatible reasons, and I
>will continue to press for the tuple address as the correct form.

Will python then support a -w switch to support people in writing
correct programs (i.e. compatible with likely furure language/library
changes), just like our-favourite-four-letter-P-language?

Seriously: Either accept the 2-arg form of connect() as *correct* for
all future versions of python or keep the change to make it illegal
Just postponing the change is evil since it will only hurt more people
in the future, as the number of python users is growing. (CP4E?)

>But I will fix the code -- it's the only practical thing to do.

If it's not broken then don't fix it.

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