xmlrpclib problem

Michael Esveldt dante at oz.net
Wed Apr 26 21:31:13 EDT 2000

I'm working with xmlrpclib to talk to Userland's Manila application and 
I'm having a problems sending html via xmlrpc. Here's the code I'm 
working with

mysite = xmlrpclib.Server("http://mysite.editthispage.com") 
mysite.manila.message.set(username, password, sitename, msgNum, "my 
subject", "body containing html", "text/x-outline-tabbed", {}, 
{"name":"pikeRenderer", "flRenderOnEntry":"true"})

I've tried changing "text/x-outline-tabbed" to "text/plain" and 
"text/html", none of these have any effect. What's happening is that my 
"body containing html" is coming out on the other side with < and 
> instead of actual tags. Obviously this results in displaying html 
instead of rendering it.

Is this a problem with xmlrpclib, how I'm using it, or with the server 
decoding my xmlrpc messages?

many thanks,
dante at oz.net - Michael Esveldt - #FightThePower on Openprojects

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