Creating variables on the fly...

Warren Postma embed at
Mon Apr 3 16:29:34 EDT 2000

You're using the Wrong Tool for the Job.

You want a Dictionary, or an Array. If you really like naming these objects
a,b, and c, use a dictionary:

V = {} # create a dictionary just for this bunch of variables

def AddVars( a, count, initial_value):
    global V
    for n in range(c,c+count):
        V[chr(n)] = initial_value

def Sum(dict):
    n = 0
    for i in dict.keys():
        n = n + dict[i]
    return n

def Dump(dict):
    k = dict.keys()
    for i in k:
        print i, "= ",dict[i]

V["a"] = 5
V["b"] = 10
print Sum(V)

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