Newbie - COM parameters problem

Martin Rehak rehakm1 at
Fri Apr 28 16:49:25 EDT 2000

Being a student of an engineering school, I've started using Python as a
scripting language for a program that's used for an analyze of the
images taken by an electron microscope. As an application interface, we
are using COM (OLE), and as we use the interfaces herited from
IDispatch, we are limited to the use of the VARIANT type compliant
parameters. Each image is represented by one COM object and the whole
application is running as an in-process server.
In one method , we have to pass the reference to the object as an [in]
And my question is, how can we actually do it, when the only VARIANT
"sub-type" fit for this is an IDispatch * and in the whole Python
documentation, that I found on the net,  is no mention of some pointer
type or its substitution ?
Thank for your help or any piece of information on the subject.

Martin Rehak
P.S. Python is COOL, anyway!


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