Creating variables on the fly...

Cliff Crawford cjc26 at
Mon Apr 3 20:14:19 EDT 2000

This is the simplest solution, but also the most adaptable.  Because
someday, you're going to want to get the list of numbers from a file, or
from a web page, or some other source external to your program; and if
you use *args, then you're going to have to do apply(add, numlist)
instead of just add(numlist).

hi-Matt-I-go-to-Cornell-too!-<g>-ly yrs, Cliff

* Lee, Jaeho <Jhlee at> menulis:
| I think that this is the place you should use list.
| What about this.
| def add(listVar)
|    r = 0
|    for something in listVar
|       r = r + something
|    return r
| I'm still learning python. So please forgive any syntax or naming convetion
| problem.
| Jaeho

cliff crawford    -><-
                                                       icq 68165166
"IS I yes wardrobe yield [the] evaluation."     member of A.H.M.A.D.

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