Why should I switch to Python? - Infinity of Primes

Richard Tobin richard at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Wed Apr 5 12:40:15 EDT 2000

In article <38EAC8C4.ADC25640 at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz>,
Greg Ewing  <greg at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

>Um, no it doesn't - it constructs a number which is
>*either* prime *or* divisible by some other prime bigger
>than the one you started with.

It trivially gives you a procedure for finding a larger prime: you
just find the factors of the constructed number (eg by trying all
possible divisors), and if there are any then one will be a new prime,
otherwise the constructed number is a new prime.

-- Richard
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