Musing - Algebraic types? (was Tuples...)

Greg Ewing greg at
Wed Apr 12 22:56:48 EDT 2000

The recent discussion about lists vs. tuples got me
thinking about algebraic types. It was mentioned that
an alternative to tuples was to define a class with
an appropriate __init__ method. This is true, but it
can get tedious writing __init__ methods that do
nothing but stuff their arguments into instance

So I was thinking about a shorthand syntax for
defining such classes, based on the way that algebraic
types are defined in Haskell-like languages. Maybe
something like

  class Statement(ParseNode) = (
    IfStatement(expr, then_stmts, else_stmts),
    WhileStatement(expr, body),
    ForStatement(var, expr, body)

which would be equivalent to writing

  class Statement(ParseNode):

  class IfStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, expr, then_stmts, else_stmts):
      self.expr = expr
      self.then_stmts = then_stmts
      self.else_stmts = else_stmts

etc. etc.

Then, of course, we're going to want to be able to
unpack these:

  IfStatement(b, t, e) = my_if_statement

would be equivalent to

  b = my_if_statement.expr
  t = my_if_statement.then_stmts
  e = my_if_statement.else_stmts

and to be really useful we want some sort of case-statement
with unpacking:

  switch my_statement:
    case IfStatement(b, t, e):
    case WhileStatement(b, s):
    case ForStatement(v, e, s):

(expansion left as an exercise for the reader - this post
is long enough already!)

What think ye all?

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg at	   +--------------------------------------+

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