decomposing an intersecting polygon?

Joseph J. Strout joe at
Fri Sep 24 13:55:46 EDT 1999

At 12:43 PM -0500 09/24/99, Skip Montanaro wrote:

>Foley and VanDam (either edition) will almost certainly have a description
>of the algorithm.  Should be available at most college libraries.  Also, I
>believe the FAQ has plenty of algorithm pointers.

Yes, but not this one:

2. 2D Polygon Computations
|  2.01: How do I find the area of a polygon?
    2.02: How can the centroid of a polygon be computed?
    2.03: How do I find if a point lies within a polygon?
    2.04: How do I find the intersection of two convex polygons?
    2.05: How do I do a hidden surface test (backface culling) with 2d points?
    2.06: How do I find a single point inside a simple polygon?
    2.07: How do I find the orientation of a simple polygon?

But I'll check Foley & VanDam.

-- Joe

|    Joseph J. Strout           Biocomputing -- The Salk Institute |
|    joe at                 |

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