Force anything to be a string.

jonathon jblake at
Sat Sep 18 18:55:09 EDT 1999

	I'm reworking a script, and keep running into this
	same basic sequence of errors.

	The offending lines are:

   string_check = check_list[50]
   string_check = str(string_check)
   string_check = string.capwords(string_check) 
   check_list[50] = string_check 

	This code snippet is supposed to take the object
	at check_list[50], convert it to a string, and
	then capitalize each word.  
	If fed a "normal" string of characters, it works.
	However, if check_list[50] is an integer, I either
	see the following error message:

	File "", line 20402 in align_everything(record_list)
	string_check = string.capwords(string_check)
	File "/usr/local/bin/python1.5/" line 542 in capwords
	return join(map(capitalize, split(s, sep)), sep or' ')
    TypeError: arguement 1: expected read-only character buffer, int found

	or I see this error message:
	File "" , line 20402 in align_everything(record_list)
	string_check = str(string_check)
    TypeError: call of non-function ( type string )

	The difference is whether I have removed the line
	"string_check = str(string_check)"

	1:	How can I ensure that string_check becomes a string,
	and not remain an integer?  [  Other than error trapping at
	the source. An option not available, since this script reads
	files with bad data in them, to correct them. ]


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