high school programming & python

Robert Kern kernr at mail.ncifcrf.gov
Sat Sep 11 01:46:42 EDT 1999

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:36:05 GMT, Les Schaffer <godzilla at netmeg.net>


>2.) the AP tests which kids take, according to her, require for
>advnace placement in a comp sci class that they know the basics of C++
>up through objects. the question then is whether something like
>learning/using python would enable a student still to place in the AP
>tests if they desired.

The AP CS curriculum is designed around a subset of C++.

It would be really cool if someone told ETS to take a serious look at
Guido's proposal.
<a href="mailto:apexams at ets.org">hint, hint</a>


>i dont know whether these really are issues nationwide, but its what i 
>ran into in one school nearby.
>what are other peoeple's experience in this domain?

"What's Python?"

>____        Les Schaffer              ___| --->> Engineering R&D <<---
>Theoretical & Applied Mechanics          |  Designspring, Inc. 
>Center for Radiophysics & Space Research |  http://www.designspring.com/
>Cornell Univ.  schaffer at tam.cornell.edu  |  les at designspring.com

Robert Kern           |
----------------------|"In the fields of Hell where the grass grows high
This space            | Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
intentionally         |           - Richard Harter
left blank.           |

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