Doing POST opperations from Python (w/SSL, cookies and XML)

Jeff Rush jrush at
Thu Sep 2 01:00:46 EDT 1999

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 17:59:59, philwise at (Phil Wise) wrote:

> 	I am trying to produce POST requests within python
> (to drive a web based email client). I can do GET requests,
> but can understand how to do post. I have read RFC1945
> (Informational), but I can find the info there either.
> I understand that the data is sent as part of the headers,
> but how?

And for yet another code example, check out:

It's a work-in-progress (i.e. rough) robot that fetches my account
account register from my bank on the web.  It uses SSL to handle
secure https:blah URLs, manages the cookies the bank sends
to track a login session across multiple web pages, and uses the
Python XML-SIG module to parse the HTML source and find
links to the next page in a sequence, since the site scrambles
the URLs periodically for security, I suppose.

The code is -very- rough but your post prompted me to put it out.

-Jeff Rush

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