Python-based IRC bots..and a #python channel

Michael P. Reilly arcege at
Fri Sep 10 15:23:13 EDT 1999

Eron <woodsage at> wrote:
: Hello. I'm looking to really get into python hacking, and I want to
: write a IRC bot in it. Does anyone know of any already existing IRC
: libraries and bots (well-documented ones, with LOTS of in-line comments
: to help me understand),  that I can use and extend, and then eventually
: use it as a model to build one from scratch. Also, is there an
: "official" #python channel somewhere? If there isn't, we should
: establish one. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


I have an IRC framework, originally designed to have multiple
interfaces (including a bot).  You can look at that if you'd like.  I
can't remember how much there was in the way of comments, and there is
no documentation.

You can pick it up at:


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