Problem installing PyGresql in Python 1.5.2-2 on RH 5.0

Felix Thibault felixt at
Sun Sep 12 01:26:28 EDT 1999

I copied pgmodule.c into my config directory (that is:/usr/local/lib/python1.5/config/) and added a line to Setup, but when I did 'make', judging from 
the output and 'ps' in another virtual terminal 'make do-it-again' (from just kept making itself over and over. I tried just make'ing the Makefile after I 
killed it, but that looped, too. I tried a couple of other things but I always had to kill it while it was making 'do-it-again'? 
I think I installed Tkinter the same way (except I only had to uncomment the lines in Setup, they were already there) without a similiar problem.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? 
(the line I added to Setup is : _pg pgmodule.c -I/usr/include/pgsql -L/usr/lib -lpq )

Thanks in advance-

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