And Now For Something Completely Similar !!!

Robert Kern kernr at
Thu Sep 2 17:36:39 EDT 1999

On 02 Sep 1999 08:44:40 -0400, Guido van Rossum
<guido at> wrote:

>kernr at (Robert Kern) writes:


>> >For that matter why not include
>> >NumPy also.  
>> <IMHO>
>> That one, I'd have to agree with.  I think that NumPy arrays and
>> ufuncs should become core datatypes.  They're just too useful.
>> </IMHO>
>Yeah...  This is actually in my plans for Python 1.6 (although I
>haven't started working on it honestly).

And there was much rejoicing.  :-)

To address Robin Becker's point, I too would like to see all of the
extension modules (well, the standard modules that are written in C:
strop, struct, math, operator, etc.) as independent DLLs in the
Windows version much as _tkinter and zlib are now.  This is how Paul
Sokolovsky is making his mingw32 distribution <URL:>.  

If one does not alter Python's installation, one is fine; the average
Python user won't know the difference.  If one is altering the
installation in such a way that depends on the location of extension
modules (e.g. distributing a frozen app), one would probably
appreciate the separation.  Are there any situations where this would
be a bad thing?

>--Guido van Rossum (home page:

Robert Kern           |
----------------------|"In the fields of Hell where the grass grows high
This space            | Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
intentionally         |           - Richard Harter
left blank.           |

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