Using CGI with POST

David Hobley davidh at
Wed Oct 20 21:09:34 EDT 1999


I just knocked up a simple cgi script. It works fine if I
use the GET method on the form. However, if I try and POST
it, the script just hangs until it times out.

Is there any special magic to make this work?

The script does:

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
     form_ok = 0
     if form.has_key("name"):
         if form["name"].value != "":
             form_ok = 1

but it hangs on the call to cgi.FieldStorage()


david                                 davidh at

Progmatics Pty Ltd - Architects of IT and Internet Solutions

Level 8, 191 Clarence Street              Phone +61 2 9262 4933
Sydney NSW Australia                      Fax   +61 2 9262 4045

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