XML-RPC and Pickle.....

Edward Muller edwardam at home.com
Sat Oct 30 23:20:08 EDT 1999

I am trying to unpickle and object on another machine after bieng sent
via xml-rpc.....and I get the following error:
xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 1: 'exceptions.SystemError:Failed to import
class foo from module __main__'>

it happens on the loads call....Here is basically what I do on the

class someObject:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 1
        self.y = 2

    def dosomething(self):
        print self.x
        print self.y

buf = pickle.dumps(someObject)

On the server I do this....

def sendPickle(buf):
    myobj = pickle.loads(buf)

and that is where it fails with the above error....

If you have any idea please drop me an email...I can send the actual
test server/client to you as well..

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