TimeClient win32api.setsystemtime

Benjamin Schollnick junkster at nospam.rochester.rr.com
Thu Oct 14 22:09:16 EDT 1999

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999 01:55:17, "Mark Hammond" 
<mhammond at skippinet.com.au> wrote:

> > Sorry you *COMPLETELY* lost me there!
> >
> > Can you elaborate a little bit more, and/or include a code example?
> Sorry - there is a bug in win32apimodule.cpp - the implementation of
> SetSystemTime uses the PyArg_ParseTuple C function, and it needs to be
> changed.  ie, you need a new win32apimodule.pyd.  My guess is you dont
> have Visual C++, so if you are running win32all-127 I can send you a
> new one.

I was guessing that's what you meant.

I'll double check what version of win32all I'm running, but I just 
it a short while ago from the python.org web site.

If you could, feel free to attach to me directly 
(junkster at rochester.rr.com).
In the worst case, I'll just redownload it again, and install it.

By the way, "Installer B3" works great as a freeze replacement.
(I believe you suggested it as a replacement? I forget, and I'm
being lazy in not tracking backwards to see who did).

I've run into two problems with it.  I have to find out who to email
bug reports to (& what address).

1) Builder doesn't seem to like it when programs aren't in the 
	same directory.
2) Builder tries to run python (i.e. c:\program 
	and can't see it.  
	a) Use the short name (i.e. c:\progr~1\python\....)
	b) Just rely on path (i.e. python.exe)
	c) Use the long name w/quotes (i.e. c:\"program 
    The problem is that without the quotes, it isn't finding the 
python file(s).

			- Benjamin
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