unmimify or ...................

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Oct 20 09:27:05 EDT 1999

tester89 at hotmail.com wrote:
> Does anyone know if a module exists that would take an email message
> with or without attachments and create objects for each portion of the
> message?

not really, but the multifile and mimetools/rfc822
modules (all in the standard library) will take you
a bit closer to a solution.  here's something to
start with:

# multifile-example-1.py (from the eff-bot guide)

import multifile
import cgi, rfc822

infile = open("samples/sample.msg")

message = rfc822.Message(infile)

# print parsed header
for k, v in message.items():
    print k, "=", v

# use cgi support function to parse content-type header
type, params = cgi.parse_header(message["content-type"])

if type[:10] == "multipart/":

    # multipart message
    boundary = params["boundary"]

    file = multifile.MultiFile(infile)


    while file.next():

        submessage = rfc822.Message(file)

        # print submessage
        print "-" * 68
        for k, v in submessage.items():
            print k, "=", v
        print file.read()



    # plain message
    print infile.read()


this code merely prints the subpart bodies; use uu,
base64, or quopri to decode them (you may wish to
change rfc822 to mimetools in the above example,
to make it a bit easier to deal with the content-type
header field).


<!-- (the eff-bot guide to) the standard python library:

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