cPickle on speed and size

Thomas Weholt thomas at bibsyst.no
Fri Oct 29 11:42:03 EDT 1999


Just wondering :

I want to store objects in a simple key/value-based database. These
objects are pickled, maybe compressed using zlib and then stored. If I
use cPickle instead of pickle, would the speed and size of the database
be ok when the amount of data got bigger? Is cPickle aimed at small
"databases"? I`m not talking complex objects, and waiting 2-3 seconds
for a search is just fine, but I need to store millions ( actually
objects containing info on files on my cd-roms) of objects.

Should I go for Berkley DB or any of the other available dbms, or is
cPickle sufficient for personal use ??

Best regards,
Thomas Weholt

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