Marking translatable strings

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Mon Oct 11 12:13:41 EDT 1999

    >> What about a t'translated string literal', like r'raw string'?

The problem is string-prefix explosion: you'd have to also support
tr'', rt'', and of course all the double, single-triple, and
double-triple variants.  Uck.  Plus, it would require changes to
Python which means it'll be a long while before you ever see this in
common enough use.

Writing it _('translate') is, I think the best approach, and the one I
plan to take when I (eventually) get time to internationalize Mailman.

    pinard> Also worth noting and little known, Ulrich has released a
    pinard> snapshot of `gettext' which is not encumbered by the GPL,
    pinard> for the Danish UUG or Danish national standardisation
    pinard> groups, I do not remember exactly.  The precise double
    pinard> hashing is part of this special release, and the algorithm
    pinard> did not change since, so far that I know.  This could be
    pinard> useful if Python proper was to provide string translation
    pinard> services independently of `gettext'.

Cool, that's good to know!

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