Q: Python 2.0 preliminary features?

David Fenyes dfenyes at flash.net
Wed Oct 13 22:08:26 EDT 1999

    Phil> Another feature I would like is multi-line
    Phil> comments. Consider a paragraph of commented text under the
    Phil> present system; every time you want to add a few new lines
    Phil> to the comment you have to manually put in `#'s at the start
    Phil> of each new comment line, which I find irritating because it
    Phil> breaks the flow of what I am trying to explain.

Any good editor (such as emacs) should automatically wrap the line
you're typing, add a new comment marker, and indent the text to the
proper place.  The problem with multi-line comments is that they don't
nest well, amplifying the annoyance of commenting/uncommenting a group
of lines.

David Fenyes  --  dfenyes at home.com

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