Adding info to Python Buglist

Jason Trowbridge ratman at
Sat Oct 16 14:17:54 EDT 1999

I filed a bug in Python's buglist, and have further information
available.  However, I can't seem to add a reply as a guest.  Is there
any way I can add more information to the ticket as a guest, or do I
have to get an account?  If I need an account, how do I go about getting

Anyway, below is the additional information that needs to go into bug
Seems like it's the '====' which is generating the problem.  According
to a relevant RFC that I just found (rfc1521, section 5.2), '====' is
not a valid set of characters in a base64 encoded string.  It is the
ending marker than uu(de/en)code uses to detect the end of the file

Still, binascii ought to generate an intelligent exception rather than
doing a SystemError.  I should have a fix in a bit.

	Jason Trowbridge
	ratman at

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