Running python as a deamon (rfork)

Radovan Garabik garabik at
Fri Oct 15 06:20:54 EDT 1999

Carey Evans <c.evans at> wrote:

 : --=-=-=

 : henk_p at writes:

 :> I want to run the python interpreter as a deamon process. So when
 :> I exit the shell it started from it keeps on running in the background.
 :> I know this is possible under unix by using the nohup command, but
 :> that is not a very nice solution.

 : You can write a daemon under Python just the same as in C.  The
 : attached module is a bit simplistic in places, but it *does* turn
 : itself into a daemon properly.  It also shows how easy it is to use
 : SocketServer, which I hadn't tried until a few minutes ago.

any chance of doing this portably? (i.e. I'd like to run daemon under unix
and windows)

| Radovan Garabik |
| __..--^^^--..__         garabik @           |
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