Executing a jpython script in another process

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Wed Oct 13 18:34:36 EDT 1999

>>>>> "CO" == Carlos Ors <cors at recercai.com> writes:

    CO> I'm working with Jpython 1.1 beta 3 I'm interested in
    CO> executing a jpython script in a new process so that a
    CO> System.exit(0) didn't close the main aplication.

    CO> I have a instance of PythonInterpreter named theInterp.
    CO> I do:
    CO>        PythonInterpreter theInterp= new PythonInterpreter()

    CO>       theInterp.exec("<my script code>")

    CO> I want to call the exec method making a new process and that
    CO> the main process get the results of the execution.

I don't think you can really do this without some kind of interprocess
communication.  System.exit() unconditionally terminates the JVM --
this is a Java thing that has nothing to do with JPython.  Or do you
mean Python's sys.exit()?

BTW, the best place to discuss JPython issues is
jpython-interest at python.org.  See


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