Newbie question: files..

Sonny Parlin sparlin at
Sun Oct 10 09:32:28 EDT 1999

"Jesse D. Sightler" <jsight at> writes:

> Or you could just do 
>   print open ('testfile.txt').read()
> See, it's a one liner!  :-)  Similarly, you could simply replace the two
> lines in the for loop with the one statement:
>   print line[:-1]

Ahh yes, I like the one liner!

> Python is frequently slightly slower than Perl.  However, you should
> note that at the very least the Python code is the same number of lines
> (or fewer using my version:), and doesn't have the silly unnamed
> variables or ludicrous use of file descriptors.  Python still rules. :)

That seems kind of odd (that Python would be more slower than Perl) they
are both scripting languages, and they are both coded in C underneath,
anymore on this?
Thanks for your help!

Sonny Parlin
sparlin at
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