An article on Python in practice

Malcolm Tredinnick malcolmt at
Mon Oct 25 23:32:27 EDT 1999

Just saw this article over at LinuxPlanet:

A good example of somebody using Python to solve a practical "real world"
problem and written in a style accesible to all. 

Short precis for those with slow connections: Somebody using Python to
extract information from a large database on another web site in order to
put a restricted set of this information on his own website. Also includes
a little example of using Python as a scripting language in vim.

Probably worth having around as an advocacy sort of article (good to show
to people to convince them that Python is useful). I *do* realise I'm
preaching to the choir here, but just in case ... :-)

BTW, don't be put of by the "LinuxPlanet" bit --- it's not a Linux
specific article.

Malcolm Tredinnick

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