getopt: where's da dicts?????

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Tue Oct 19 15:11:25 EDT 1999

In article <14348.40578.648039.972783 at>,
Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at> wrote:
>  It's those flags with optional arguments that hold the highest
>possibility of confusion for users.  Is 'foo -v 1' a command with one
>option and one parameter, or is it a command with one option that
>takes a value?  If the value is optional, it's not clear.  I don't
>know what the "right" way to deal with it is, perhaps, but not using
>optional values for options seems the safest.

Depends whether you allow "-v 1" or "-v1".
                      --- Aahz (

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