os.execv() documentation woes...any help?

Gabe Newcomb GabeN at captura.com
Tue Oct 26 13:33:12 EDT 1999

I'm trying to find decent documentation on the execv() function in the os
module. The online Python module help for this function is minimal:

execv (path, args) 
	Execute the executable path with argument list args, replacing the
current process (i.e., the Python interpreter). The argument list may be a
tuple or list of strings. Availability: Unix, Windows

I'm having a hard time getting started with this. Additionally, help with
finding acceptable arguments to pass to a given executable would be great,
but that is likely specific to the executable, no? The documentation I've
got are the two O'Reilly books (Programming Python and Learning Python).

Generally, I'm working on NT 4.0 Workstation. My goal is to be able to
execute commands at the command line via a Python script--not too ambitious,
I believe.

Many thanks to any who respond!

Gabe Newcomb 

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