Finding out the OS distribution name

David Arnold arnold at
Thu Oct 21 18:39:15 EDT 1999

-->"Marc-Andre" == M -A Lemburg <mal at> writes:

  Marc-Andre> On SuSE Linux there's a file /etc/SuSE-release which
  Marc-Andre> tells me the version etc.

on Debian GNU/Linux the file /etc/debian_version contains the
distribution version number (ie. 2.1 for my local system).

   > cat /etc/debian_version 

on RedHat Linux the file /etc/redhat-release contains the distribution
version number, and its code name, although the format seems to have
changed relatively recently ...

   > cat /etc/redhat-release 
   release 5.0 (Hurricane)

   > cat /etc/redhat-release 
   Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Apollo)

   > cat /etc/redhat-release 
   Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)

  Marc-Andre> It's a pitty that "uname" doesn't return this
  Marc-Andre> information.

it does get you kernel version which can be useful, especially as
people are reasonably likely to upgrade the kernel within a

  Marc-Andre> I was thinking of something similar to the config.guess
  Marc-Andre> shell script included in autoconf. A bit more
  Marc-Andre> simpleminded perhaps but with enough information to be
  Marc-Andre> recognizable by a human :-) I would like to include it
  Marc-Andre> in the mxCGIPython project (see my Python Pages) which
  Marc-Andre> automatically generates a canonical name for the system
  Marc-Andre> where the binary is being compiled on.

that'd be nice.


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